At Pantheon, we want to become more than just a provider of financing. We want you to feel you can confidently “outsource” your capital concerns to us and thereby remove the cash flow challenges that accompany handling multiple projects… so you can focus on getting your projects completed quickly and efficiently!
In keeping with one of our key business principals of keeping bureaucracy and administration to a minimum, we have created an application process that is simple and flexible while still ensuring effective underwriting. If this is the first project with us, you must first complete the First-Time Borrower Application and sign the Borrower’s Certification and Authorization to Release Information. Please be sure to complete the application accurately and completely. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Background checks are normally completed within 2 business days of receiving the signed authorization form. Once approved as a borrower, all funding requests must be submitted on the Project Proposal spreadsheet format provided below. Please note that the Project Proposal Form has four tabs and all four pages must be fully completed for us to consider your funding request. You are encouraged to submit any additional information that will help us understand your business plan and project design.
Download Application Forms: